Prime Guests can now book accommodation for -20% discounted price!
Reservations with a discounted price can be made 27.01.-29.04.2023, and reservations can be up to 30.04.2023. 

Join now – it’s free! Download our free application here. Book your room with a discount code PG20 from our website, or from our hotel reception:

Tel. +358 (0)293 200 540
(3,02 cents/min + pvm/mpm)

Terms and conditions

Bookable: 27.01.2023-29.04.2023
Accommodation period: 27.01.2023–30.4.2023

Please note that we have a limited amount of discounted rooms. This special offer can’t be used with other discounts. Reservations have free cancellation until 18:00 (6 pm.) on arrival date.